Our Values

We take pride in who we are, who we work with and how we work, both individually and together.  These are the Values of Elite Accounting.

Quality Client Experience

We create a quality expeience by being honest, transparent and committed to doing what’s best for our clients.  We treat clients how we would like to be treated ourselves (or better still, how we’d like our Mum, Dad or Gran to be treated).

Quality Service Delivered

We do the best possible job for each and every client; we recognise and appreciate the impact our work has on our clients’, their finances, businesses and families.  We’re here to help and support.  We’re more than just Accountants.  We’re Trusted Advisors.

Quality Relationships with Our Clients

We build quality, long standing relationships with our clients; we get to know them, their businesses and how they operate, then we draw on real life business experience to support them in the best possible way.

Quality Employee Experience

We value and respect each other; we work together to overcome obstables and problem solve.  We’re positive, motivated and are committed to building an encouraging, caring, and supportive environment.  We are a Team.